Challenge- Version Control System

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I have taken a challenge to learn Frondend web development by taking the course form Coursera.


1. Version Control ? => It is a system that keep track of all changes that is made on files.

2. History => First version control system was designed before the invention of internet.

3. Benefit of VSC to developer => a. Revision History b. Roll Back c. Identity - who have made changes, when and what changes have been made. d. Collboration - track other projects e. Peer review - testing the codes, and find bug

4. Git ? => It is an destributed Version Control System developed by Linus Torvalds to host linux Kernel's source code in 2007.

Check out the pdf to access the git command : PDF

5. Different Types of Version Control System => a. Subversion b. Mercurial c. AWS d. Perforce e. Git

6. Types of Version Control System => a. Centralised VSC - Server and client( need to pull and push the code to make changes) b. Distributed VCS - Have all access to changes in pull

7. Learned simple commmand line:
=> a.[cd ~/Desktop ]-go to desktop folder directly
b. cd.. ( move out of directory )
c. touch example.txt ( create a new file named example.txt)
d. mkdir Dipesh ( make new directory named Dipesh )

8.Other Unix codes
=> a. man ( manual)
b. ls ( show files and folder)
c. ls -l (list in order ) d. ls -a ( show including hidden files )
e. cp ( copy)
f. mv(move file)
g. pws ( know the current directory )
h. mv( move the directory )


Git bash codes:::



PDf of vs code shortcut:link